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Patriotic thing to do…

There’s published written evidence dating back to the middle of the 17th century, showing the word Patriotism came from adding the suffix of –ism to the existing word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote, and may be traced back further to the Greek word patrios (“of one’s father”). So the word has been around for a long time.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines patriotism as: love for or devotion to one’s country.  Such a simple straightforward definition and yet the meaning can be so different to the many diverse groups in our country.  Thanks to the recent announcement by our president, both sides should be able to agree on the subject of wearing a mask.  It’s wise, it’s patriotic.     

There is freedom to do what you want (within the law) and there is also freedom from others doing what they want because it infringes on someone else’s freedom. Sounds complicated, huh?  As a society, we occasionally figure some of this out.  For example, you are “free” to smoke pipes, cigarettes, cigars, and in many states, marijuana.  However, you can’t light up in restaurants, schools, and most other public places including some public parks and beaches (maybe the last two are just California?).  Anyway, awhile back there was a very bitter debate pitting freedom-loving smokers against the freedom-loving non-smokers who were essentially being forced to breathe smoke involuntarily.  Thanks in large part to paid researchers continuously confusing the issues it took decades to settle this dispute.  In the end, it was deemed non-smokers should be free from having to breathe smoke unwillingly.  The higher death rates of smokers from pretty much every disease known to man may have been helpful in making the decision along with the proven ill effects of second-hand smoke (yes, it was proven !).  This brings me to the wearing of face masks.

It’s not complicated stuff here. Wearing a mask limits the risks of spreading the virus – period!  Even if you choose to question the science, there’s practical evidence from the countries that adopted wearing masks in the current pandemic and have a much better recovery than the non-mask wearing countries. Sure you can question and fog the issue by saying it’s related to population density, government influence, conspiracies or other factors, but across the board the simplest way to combat Covid 19 (or any virus) is to limit exposure by doing the simple things we’ve been hearing for many months now like avoiding crowds, hand washing and mask wearing.  This is something we learned (or should have learned) over one hundred years ago during the 1918 flu pandemic.  If you believe in the conspiracy theory this is just another attempt to make us a captive, socialist society, fine, don’t social distance or wear a mask around your friends who agree with you.  Just wear it when you go to a grocery store or any other public space where people have the right to be free from your carelessness.  I believe the health care workers, doctors, scientists and the statistics gathered from around the world indicating the US has over 4,520,026 total cases, 152,771 deaths, 2,192,028 recovered, 2,175,227 active cases, 19,014 Serious/Critical.  FYI, these numbers are from 07/29/2020 and will most likely go up with the exception of the category “Serious/Critical” which went down in the last week (see,I do report positive stuff as well as the downer news).  Practically everyone now knows someone who either has or has recovered from Covid-19.  I have family members that have gotten seriously ill from this and others who have tested positive with no symptoms (not unlike what’s being reported –go figure).

Young people are being young people and going out and being with their friends.  Just as many of us felt during the earlier stages of our lives, they feel invincible, carefree (or careless), and are a little selfish so many don’t wear masks and don’t keep a safe distance.  A good portion of the time, they get away with it, but eventually they bring home a deadly virus and can unintentionally kill someone they love.  This is not a normal virus!  People can have it and spread it without having ANY SYMPTOMS.  Let’s not give in to the conspiracy that it’s really an attempt to take away our freedoms.  We are not fighting a political issue, we are fighting a virus. Besides, wearing a mask does not limit anyone’s ability to express themselves.  We can still communicate with whomever we choose through a mask or through a variety of channels.  We haven’t been transformed in a matter of months because we are taking precautions. Protesters not wearing masks or socially distancing are not OK and neither are other large gatherings for church services, concerts, family events, or parties. Let’s stop making this about anything other than what it is – a serious pandemic that seems to affect everyone in different ways.

Here’s a recent social media post by someone who at least somewhat gets it;

“I walked into our usual donut joint with my mask on. The owner walked up to me and started taking our order. In retrospect, I should have given more attention to her weary countenance.  I took one side of my mask off so I could continue my order without being muffled. Without hesitation, she said, “Sir, please put your mask on.”

My flesh convinced me that this was the time for me to be a patriot. I put the mask loop over my ear and told her that we wouldn’t be needing any donuts after all. She seemed to shrug my response off, so I continued. I didn’t yell. I didn’t make a scene. But I looked at her straight in the face and told her she was rude. We exchanged pleasantries, and I left.

2 miles down the road, the Holy Spirit smote my heart. I stood for my personal belief while ignoring humility and grace.  I turned the van around and drove back to the donut shop. I entered the shop, and the same woman was standing there. I walked right up to her, with my mask on, looked her in the eye and said,… 

“I. Am. Sorry.”

With workers and other customers looking on, I asked for her forgiveness and told her I should have been more gracious and humble. She opened up to me for a few minutes about how tough the current situation was on her as a former nurse and current small business owner. She was tired. She was weary. She was worried.  She didn’t need a seasonal patriot. She needed a gracious Christian.

I purchased my donuts, we laughed, and I left. When I got back to the van, I explained to my children that it was important we set ourselves aside for the wellbeing of others. I made sure my kids knew that I was willing to eat crow so a tired stranger could have an emotionally healthy day. I explained to my children what I had done and how I needed to make it better. I explained to my children that God allows us to make mistakes so His grace can be on greater display.

We will back for more donuts this week. I’ll be wearing my mask the whole time, making sure I am a blessing and not a bully. And I didn’t have to give up a shred of freedom or dignity to do so.  Yes, be a patriot. But don’t let your personal beliefs drown out your faith and witness.”

The person in the above story does realize he was wrong to confront someone who was politely asking him to, “…please put your mask on”.  Hopefully, he also realizes the result of taking off one side of a mask is really the same as not wearing one.  I’m also unsure how in God’s or anyone else’s name confronting her for that request could be considered patriotic in the first place!  I think this person has the right idea of realizing and atoning for their behavior and has a really strong and positive ending statement, but again, not sure how listening to common sense and strong science impedes with or even correlates to patriotism unless you have at least fractionally bought into the conspiracies.  In the end, this person is still willing to act in the best interests of everyone which is socially responsible. 

People need to buy groceries and stuff to maintain their households and we’ve found a way to get it done safely if we all participate.  We will get back to doing the things we love like dining out, going to salons and sporting events, being with friends and family by figuring out how to not only survive, but to thrive through innovative thinking. I really cannot think of anything more American than getting through trying times by working together as one people using our creativity, problem solving skills and imaginations.