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Middle Of The Road


“Where the _____ is everyone going?”



My Story

James Miller

I cast my general political position as the “MIDDLE” – I call it my sweet spot.  I know I’m in this sweet spot when I’ve managed to piss off those on the far right and far left sides of current issues. Occasionally I’ll undoubtedly only piss off one side or the other but it’s tough to stay in the sweet spot as any athlete can tell you.  I believe “CENTRISTS” have been correct at least as often as the either the left or the right.  Some might say I just don’t take a stand while others might say I don’t believe in any side strongly enough, to which I say read my blog and you’ll see I do indeed take sides, only not just one side. I also take stands which many times are in the middle.  As someone devoted to independent thought, I often support one side or the other depending on my very own set of values and beliefs.  Abnormal, weird, even crazy, you say? The crazy thing is this used to be the norm.  Those revolutionaries that founded the country did some pretty crazy independent thinking so at least I’m in good company! 


Which Way To Go

Take a Walk Down The Middle With Me


While the current culture wars in the USA make us middle-of-the-roaders seem unusual, we’re actually more normal than you may think.


In today’s world, it seems people think they are forced to declare their affiliation for, and be labeled as, a “LIBERAL or “CONSERVATIVE”.


Is it wrong that the side I agree with most, occasionally goes too far?!  Is it wrong that the side I agree with least, occasionally gets it right?

Don’t Miss

My Latest Opinions

I don’t think for a minute that I’m the only voice of reason out there or even a “voice of reason” at all for that matter.  However, it does seem that there are fewer and fewer of us willing to listen to both sides of an argument before making up our minds.

Are you smarter than a 10 year old?

Recently I was watching a local news broadcast showing a video someone on a cellphone had recorded of a man wearing a black T-shirt with the following in bold white lettering; "Your mask makes you look stupid". He was ranting at some 10- to 12-year-old children at...

Patriotic Thing To Do….

Patriotic Thing To Do….

Patriotic thing to do… There’s published written evidence dating back to the middle of the 17th century, showing the word Patriotism came from adding the suffix of -ism to the existing word patriot, which itself came into English from the French patriote, and may be...



Monumentality I am against the toppling or otherwise destroying statues.  Whoa there mister Middle of the Road Hog you say!  “Lefties” think that seems a little too far to the right side of the issue. How can you be so insensitive to the plight of the...

James Miller

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