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What if the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup?

We had our first real emergency of this self-quarantine / stay-at-home-order event.  Of course, this only applies to those who are actually following the guidelines, not those folks in states where the governor just a few days ago realized a couple of months into this that maybe, just maybe this here virus thing is pretty gol-darn serious.  Oh, and then there are those people who are still going to bars, clubs, brothels and lining up with little to no social-distancing at grocery stores and other places where people tend to congregate in spite of warnings from the 24 – 7 coverage that’s impossible to avoid.  For the rest of us, things happen which rise to the level of crisis when you can’t handle them with a quick run to the grocery or department store because you actually care about your fellow citizens and might just be the guy that shows no symptoms, but continues to spread the virus.  So to those people who say, “I’m not worried about catching this trumped-up cold bug”, I say stay at home for granny and gramps and for other peoples’ grannies and gramps, as well as all those with asthma, diabetes, heart issues, lung issues etc, etc..

This emergency started when I was re-sealing the granite countertops after refinishing the kitchen cabinets, cleaning the medicine cabinets, organizing the drawers, and garage (again!).  Yes, I’m over-doing things because I feel guilty the wife not only has to work, but is working a ton to help fast-track research and evaluate possible medications and vaccines during this national crisis while I binge-watch TV.  Anyway, I had unplugged our Keurig coffee maker overnight to allow for the sealant to cure before putting things back.  When I plugged it in I planned to reset the clock time and the wallpaper for the display, but the Keurig had other ideas. It immediately started to pump water even before it pre-heated. I unplugged it and waited a minute before plugging it in again with the same results. After repeating this procedure a few more times, I could feel the panic start to rise realizing this may not be something I can fix and we had given our old, simple, reliable coffee maker to our daughter a year ago. Since we are home ALL THE TIME, we drink a lot of coffee.  I was attempting to quell my anxiety by busily making back up plans in my head. The best plan was to first empty the individual K-cups into a Tupperware container then boiling water to pour over the coffee into the glass orange juice pitcher using old socks for filters (clean ones-I’m not a savage).  Fortunately, I remembered in a halleluiah moment – YOU TUBE!  There may not be anything I cannot fix due to the wonderful people who post their “HOW TO” experiences.

Sure enough, I found some people had similar experiences with our particular Keurig model.  Several solutions were offered, but the one that intrigued me was, of course, the simplest. Following the instructions to the letter, I unplugged the machine, removed the water reservoir, turned the unit upside down and firmly thumped the bottom several times. That’s it! I plugged it back in, replaced the reservoir and voila, crisis solved, man triumphs over machine. Now I know how John Conner felt when he defeated the Terminators in the Sci-Fi classic movie series.

MY Story

Where It All Began

I don’t think for a minute that I’m the only voice of reason out there or even a “voice of reason” at all for that matter.  However, it does seem that there are fewer and fewer of us willing to listen to both sides of an argument before making up our minds.

“Middle of the Road Hog”
Jim Miller

Jim Miller

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